Let's keep finding courageous and creative ways to connect with one another 💖

✨ Do you feel lonely or isolated?

✨ Are you looking for a deeper connection with others?

You're not alone 🫂

Let's keep finding courageous and creative ways to connect with one another 💖

In this conversation, we chat about the isolating nature of social media and the need for deeper connections. I share my own experiences of isolation and the positive ways social media has helped me connect with others. I think it's really important that we take social media interactions to the next level by engaging in virtual or in-person conversations.

Our oracle reading at the end reinforces the importance of self-reflection and kindness towards ourselves. Our ability to reflect and focus on what's most important to us helps to cultivate gratitude and self-love.

At a glance takeaways:

  • Social media can be isolating and harmful, but it can also be a valuable outlet for connecting with others.

  • Taking social media interactions to the next level by engaging in virtual or in-person conversations can help combat loneliness.

  • Simplicity and reflection are important for reprioritizing and cultivating gratitude and self-love.

  • Continuing to contemplate and reflect on experiences and relationships can lead to increased self-worth and kindness towards oneself and others.

Julie Francis

Julie Francis (they/she) is an astrologer and writer. She is the owner of Softening Studio and co-owner of Black Willow Creek Farm. Find her online at https://juliefrancis.me/.


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